How to Make Moon Water & 20 Ways to Use It

By: Luna Crowwing
Published: 12/05/2023
glass jar of moon water on a box in grassy area in front of a full moon. there is a hand reaching for the moon water.

Welcome to the whimsical world of moon water, where we embrace the moon’s glow and bottle up its essence for our earthly rituals. As a busy pagan, I understand your spiritual practice must fit in your pocket, not take over your life. So, before we dive into the luminescent pool of moon water uses, remember this: these suggestions are just that—suggestions. Pagan practices are as varied as the stars, and how you use moon water is entirely up to you. This guide is a tapestry woven from my experiences, ready for you to dye with the colors of your own practice. Let’s make some magic, shall we?

What is Moon Water?

Moon water is water that has been charged with the moon’s energy. It’s typically made by placing water outside under the moonlight, especially during specific lunar phases.

Moon Water Meaning

In witchcraft and pagan practices, moon water symbolizes the moon’s power and energy. It’s believed to carry the qualities of the lunar cycle it’s made under, like a full moon for completion or a new moon for beginnings.

What is Moon Water Apothecary?

The use of moon water in herbal and spiritual remedies. It’s often included in apothecaries among witches and pagans for its perceived energy-enhancing properties.

When to Make Moon Water

Moon water is commonly made during the full moon due to its association with maximum energy and potential. However, it can be made during any lunar phase, depending on the intended use.

When Not to Make Moon Water

Some pagans avoid making moon water during lunar eclipses or when the weather conditions prevent moonlight from reaching the water. Some also avoid new moons due to their association with a lack of visibility.

What is Moon Water Good For?

Moon water is used for various spiritual practices, including cleansing, healing, empowering spells and rituals, and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.

How to Use Moon Water

It can be used to cleanse crystals, in baths for spiritual purification, added to spells and potions, or simply as a drink for its energetic qualities.

Moon Water Manifestation

This involves using moon water as a tool in manifestation rituals, where the water is charged with intentions and used to ‘grow’ or ‘enhance’ these intentions.

Moon Water Manifestation Examples

For instance, using full moon water in a ritual to manifest personal growth or new moon water to start a new project or phase in life.

How to Collect Moon Water

Collect moon water by placing a water container in a spot directly exposed to the moonlight. The container should be open to allow the moon’s energy to infuse the water.

Moon Water Containers

Containers can vary from glass jars to bowls. It’s often recommended to use natural materials like glass to avoid contamination and to preserve the purity of the water’s energy.

moon water jar on window sill with full moon in the background and crescent moon reflection in jar

How to Make Moon Water: A Busy Pagan’s Guide

Step 1: Choose Your Moment

First up, pick your lunar date. Full moon? New moon? Tuesday? Whatever. The moon doesn’t keep a planner, and neither should you. If the moon’s out and you’re feeling it, it’s go time.

Step 2: Grab a Container

Find a jar, a bowl, or heck, a teacup – as long as it’s clean and wouldn’t make your grandma raise an eyebrow. Glass is best because, you know, purity and all that.

Moon water being filled on a table by the sea. blockprint style image

Step 3: Fill Your Container

Fill your chosen vessel with water. Tap water’s fine (we’re busy, not bougie), but if you can get your hands on natural spring water, you’re basically a moon water MVP.

Step 4: Moonlight Soak

Put your water somewhere it can bathe in moonlight. Window sills work. So does your back porch. Just ensure the moon can see its reflection, or it might get offended.

Step 5: Infuse Your Intentions

While your water’s soaking up those cosmic rays, take a moment to meditate, chant, or tell your water your deepest secrets. Infuse it with your intentions, hopes, dreams, or tonight’s dinner plans.

Step 6: Bring It In

Once the moon’s done its thing (a night’s work should do), bring your water inside, typically before the sun rises. If it’s dawn and you forgot, no stress. The moon’s forgiving like that.

Step 7: Store or Use

You can use your moon water immediately in spells, rituals, plant watering – you name it. Or store it for a rainy day. Just remember to label it so you don’t accidentally make cosmic tea.

Step 8: Customize

Here’s the deal: there are no hard rules. Toss in some crystals, herbs, or essential oils if that’s your jam. Make it a full-blown ceremony or just a quiet moment between you and the night sky.

The beauty of moon water is in its simplicity and personal touch. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or a curious newbie, making moon water is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. So, embrace the process, make it your own, and let the moon do its magic.

Harnessing Lunar Power: 20 Practical Uses and Rituals for Moon Water

Dive into the mystical versatility of moon water—a cherished resource in witchcraft and paganism. Beyond its allure, moon water is a potent enhancer for intentions and rituals. Whether drawn to its reflective qualities or seeking to integrate it into your spiritual routine, this section unveils ways to infuse your practices with lunar energy. Embrace these simple yet profound applications to connect with the moon’s transformative essence.

1. Crystal Cleansing

Spritz your crystals with moon water to cleanse and recharge them. Because even crystals need a spa day.

2. Garden Blessing

Man watering plants with moon water with a full moon in the background.

Water your plants with moon water for an extra kick of growth energy. Talk about green thumbs and lunar vibes!

3. Spiritual Baths

Add moon water to your bath for a spiritually cleansing soak. It’s like a mini-retreat in your bathtub.

4. Sacred Space Spritz

Mist your sacred space with moon water to clear the air and elevate the vibes. Who needs Febreze when you’ve got this?

5. Anointment in Rituals

Dab moon water on your forehead or wrists during rituals for an added layer of lunar power.

6. Altar Cleansing

Wipe down your altar with moon water to keep it energetically fresh. Your altar deserves a little TLC.

7. Moon Water Painting

Use moon water as a solvent for watercolor paints in magical artwork. It’s like Bob Ross meets Hecate.

8. Dream Enhancement

Sprinkle a bit on your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams. Dreams are the original binge-watch.

9. Protective Boundary Making

Trace your doors and windows with moon water for protection. It’s like an invisible force field, only witchier.

10. Meditation Aid

Dip your fingers in moon water before meditating to deepen your focus. It’s like a “Do Not Disturb” sign for your mind.

11. Pet Blessing

Gently pat your pet with a damp cloth of moon water for blessings. Pets deserve some magic, too!

12. Chakra Balancing

Drop moon water on chakra points to align and balance your energy. Chakras love a good moonlit dance.

13. Candle Dipping

Dip your candles in moon water before lighting them for enhanced rituals. It’s like turbocharging your candle magic.

14. Mirror Cleansing

Cleanse your mirrors with moon water to repel negative vibes. It’s like spiritual Windex.

15. Envelope Sealing

Seal letters and spells with moon water for extra oomph. It’s like sending a text with extra emojis.

16. Yoga Mat Spray

Refresh your yoga mat with moon water for a serene practice. Namaste with a lunar twist.

17. Ink Making

Mix moon water with ink for writing spells and intentions. It’s the magical version of a fountain pen.

18. Hair Rinse

Rinse your hair with moon water for spiritual cleansing. It’s like a conditioner for your soul.

19. Lunar Tea Rituals

Use moon water to brew tea during rituals (only if you are sure your moon water is safe to drink). It’s like a tea party with the moon.

20. Wardrobe Energizing

Mist your clothes with moon water for a day of empowered dressing. Fashion meets magic in the best way.

There you go! Twenty quick, no-nonsense ways to incorporate moon water into your busy pagan life. Remember, it’s all about finding what resonates with you and your practice. Happy moon-watering! 🌙✨


And there you have it, a galaxy of uses for your moon-charged elixir, tailored for the on-the-go pagan who still craves a sprinkle of the sacred. Whether you’ve mixed moon water into your latest spell or used it to give your houseplants a pep talk, your intention sparks the magic. So take these ideas, twist them, turn them, and let them evolve. Your practice is as personal as your fingerprint—infuse it with your essence, and let the moon water amplify the magic uniquely yours.